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‘Waiting for the Bridge’ Zeeland Bridge, Netherlands 1986 generously released into the public domain by BenTheWikiMan via Wikimedia Commons

7:30 AM PDT of the 17th the Cancer Moon creates a Grand Cross with opposition to Pluto and squares to Mars and Uranus. We see large, Archetypal energies in a bold pattern, and what it tells us is that the emotional perceptions may be challenged by three alternatives, none of which is a good choice! One direction will cause a release of destructive energies, one will have us put the ego first (in detriment to all other considerations), and the third may ask us to subsume the individuality to the group. What should we do? The first thing is to recognize the transience of this emotional challenge; it arrives no sooner than 3AM and is over by noon Pacific time, so not acting on this may be our biggest priority. Second, once the Moon moves on, the T-square with arm of Pluto will still be in place; now perhaps it’s time to look at the Cardinal energies for the punch they may be packing at this time.

Of course, Cardinal energies urge us to ‘do’, and we know this just isn’t a good time for that; at this point, we may feel a great deal of frustration, as this rather threatening scenario has been more or less in place for a long time. We are tired of the threat of loss and destruction, tired of the threat to our autonomy from the group, tired of the aggression of others threatening our ability to create and express through the individuality. It’s an exhausting dynamic, but we can actually get off the merry-go-round for a bit, with just this thought: it’s not the right time to act, so we don’t even have to entertain these energies for a while. Period.

The above is from the current ECLIPSE Weekly Aspect Digestget yours here!