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Hubert 'The Fire of Rome 18 July 64 AD' {{PD-Art}}

9 PM PST the 15th the Aries Moon trines the Sun in Fire, and we get all fired up–for West Coasters, may represent one of those inconvenient times when we should be winding down but end up revving up! By 11 PM Pacific the Moon is within quincunx of Juno and creates a Finger of God with her sextile to Neptune/ Chiron. Pointing the way to empowerment is a formula that says, use emo perceptions and intuition in concert with creative energy and unique skills–sounds easy, but pinpointing the arenas is the challenge. The House that holds transiting Juno (25 Virgo 46) tells us where in this moment our empowerment options lie; move on this as it may facillitate many other developments and certainly will help us know where our strengths are contained. With Uranus/ Jupiter at the midpoint of the Finger’s base, we can hook into a stream of social energy that helps our empowerment goals–be open to mass urges, occasions, and beliefs you can use for your own ends.

To read about the current Grand Cross, and get detailed forecasts, access monthly overviews, New and Full Moon reports, and the articles of ECLIPSE magazine, all for only $4.95 order here http://dogandsunflower.wordpress.com/the-latest-new-fall-2010-eclipse/ and for a thorough portrait of Juno in the individual chart and in synastry, try JUNO IN THE NATAL CHART http://dogandsunflower.wordpress.com/ Thanks!

Added: The naming of Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook mogul, as TIME’s Person of the Year came as a surprise to quite a few; naming him so during a Merc retro period suggests they (the TIME staff responsible) may regret their choice (embarrassed, perhaps?) once the tiny messenger planet goes Direct.