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'The Head of a Woman or Goddess, Perhaps Demeter' My question was, isn't that the same thing? Sulptor unknown, from the Trajanic period 97-117 Courtesy of Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles California US

‘The Head of a Woman or Goddess, Perhaps Demeter’ My question was, isn’t that the same thing? Sculptor unknown, Marble, from the Trajanic period 97-117 Courtesy of Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles California US

The first eclipse of the set is Lunar (a Full Moon) and falls at 25 Aries 45, arriving at 4:38 PM PDT (and for those of you who are tickled by synchronicities, I called the chart program up at precisely 4:38 PM, so that when I went to the correct day, there was the eclipse, already perfected!) We use, of course, our very strict orbs (that always somehow seem to get stretched!) so that the only aspect made is a quincunx to Ceres.

The singular event for this Lunar eclipse centers on a Full Aries Moon that is in uncomfortable aspect to the asteroid named for the goddess in control of the seasons, of nature itself, and with a powerful sense of territoriality and the strength to negotiate with even the most formidable opponents (in Ceres’ case, that was Pluto).

An Aries Full Moon marks the culmination of personal, individual effort, making a statement of the ‘I Am’ in no uncertain terms; we expect this statement in the natal House where the FM falls, and it’s purpose is Self-assessment, through a lens of completion: ‘I know I am ‘x’, because I have done ‘y”.

The Ceres quincunx suggests that the eclipse event of ‘I Am’ must take into account some power player, perhaps a woman of influence or authority, perhaps simply a human-shaped force of nature, or possibly an entity that feels they have say over our world, to the point of dictating our circumstances or negotiating our permissions, or another with whom we must ourselves negotiate in determining territory and reach. It may be someone from whom we have sought ‘permission’ of one kind or another at some point, who still believes your Self-statement is subject to their approval. It’s one of Ceres’ less endearing traits that someone strongly identified with this role may not clearly see her own legitimate boundaries–and this is something those involved with the lady (no matter what form she comes in) nearly always must negotiate for themselves–in this way contact with Ceres may challenge us to establish our boundaries to others, to announce our territory, or to say what or who we have dominion over–certainly an ‘I Am’ statement of the first order.

To see the complete eclipse report for both upcoming Lunar and Solar events, please subscribe!

Just a thought, morning of the 17th: Should we expect Mother Nature to act up? Maybe–with Ceres in Virgo, earthquakes may be the thing, but does fiery Aries promise lava? We’ll see! Sounds like a ‘scorched earth’ policy, in some important sense.

See other takes on the eclipse here, here, and here