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OK, not exactly the kind of bear we’re talking about, but things will feel like a circus–‘Der Wanderzirkus’ By Angelo Jank 1906 {{PD}}

The Nodal axis slips backward (as is its prevailing direction) across Cancer/ Capricorn; we also see Uranus in the final degree of Aries, and together with the Nodes a T-square is formed, ratcheting tension up to an unbearable degree. The stress on the individual, and especially on the individual Will (Aries) is tremendous, with the awareness that what happens over the next few days determines life direction, making us hyper-aware of how important our application of Higher Mind (Uranus) to our choices (Aries, the Nodes) is in the moment. With North Node entering Cancer, we see that caring is the only choice–and all T components at 29 degrees tells us this is a crisis, whether it appears so on the surface or not.

Meanwhile, while the perception of crisis sucks up all our energy, attention, and all the air in any room, we still have Juno quincunx Ceres, Venus quincunx Sedna, and Mercury novile Venus. Willingly adjusting is key: to authority, to prerogative, to responsibilities, to boundaries, to what instincts tell, and to known ‘blind spots’. That’s the only way to make our actions effective, to gain or profit, to nurture relationships, to support the financial picture. Adjust, and you may find yourself hit with a kind of brilliant idea or three, or find Love or Money winging its way to you out of the blue (or, more likely, out of circumstances carefully tended in the past, that you maybe had given up on).

It can be a good day, but likely also an exhausting one.

Today’s word image is a small man with a huge head. This cartoonish symbol suggests we may be living too much in our own heads, burdening the mind when some of that energy is better spent other ways. Get out and do, move around, make something, interact with the physical world in ways you haven’t been, lately. It will really help.