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By Peder Severin Krøyer 1888 {{PD}}

An Air Grand Trine has formed, consisting of Venus on her home turf in Libra, Saturn in Aquarius, and Ceres-North Node in Gemini. It’s a little bit like Venus is the hopeful balloon, thinking good thoughts especially about relationships and aesthetic matters, Saturn is the anchor that keeps Venusian optimism connected to both reality and Higher Mind, and Ceres-NN lends thought the authority to lead us confidently in our destined direction. That’s a lot of ‘mind energy’, a lot of ruminating and pondering that won’t be completely conscious–and that’s the thing we need to remain aware of.

For all the overt reasoning and perception that will be going on in this period (and the seemingly super sane and rational way it will appear), we may be faced with influences we didn’t really know were there, until they’re right in front of us. For instance, Venus is sextile Juno by the midpoint of the period, suggesting that our Venusian viewpoint will be confident in its own status and authority–but Venus is also on the move toward perfecting an opposition to Chiron, meaning that despite our good intentions and our Grand Trine inclination toward harmony and balance, the relationship or financial aspect of things may be headed toward hurt, either because we plow forward without enough sensitivity or responsiveness to others (which the circumstances of the GT may encourage), or because we see something in current situations that mirrors old wounds, and react.

Too, there are things that aren’t directly connected to the GT but that are crucial to be aware of, as in the case of the Pluto-Eris square. It’s important chiefly because it’s Cardinal; we can’t hide from that dynamic ‘doing’ energy even if we want to! This means that the Pluto-Eris scenario will be present at the same time (though not necessarily intertwined with) the Grand Trine. So, there’ll be a dynamic situation of conflict, destruction, or serious/ massive change going on while the GT is occupying our minds with other, likely much more personal, ideas. This may create an atmosphere of dissonance, a feeling that ‘I’ve got it together over here, why can’t all those upset people get it together over there?’

And that’s how we may miss the square’s influence in our own lives. That clash is between a rage for Power by one party, and a catalyst energy that’s embodying disharmony already extant but perhaps pushed under the surface, until now, by the other party, and we may be more than a little inclined to believe we’re neither of those entities, that this conflict just doesn’t apply to us. Look more closely: the personal manifestation of this will come as emotional strain (signified by the Full Moon) that is perpetrated via what we ‘know but don’t know’, or by matters that reside in our ‘blind spot’ (both Sedna)–perceptual areas we may try very hard to disown, right now.

Seems like we may have an (overly) emotional scattering of days ahead of us, but I do see at least one way to channel the discord and the ‘living in our heads’ energies effectively: by plunging into the work of the ‘Smart Creative’. That’s the creative thing you know you should do, but are prone to undermine yourself by ignoring. By creative I don’t necessarily mean something in the Arts; that can just as easily apply to anything where you generate and guide the energy to shape, form, or simply do something. It’s about funneling energy from inside you to outside you, into affecting something external, whether that be materials or another human Being (Neptune conj Pallas in Pisces).

If you’re looking for the Full Moon report, or want to re-acquaint yourself with it, it’s here.

Thank you, everyone–have a wonderful weekend, and Happy Full Moon!