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Sky lanterns, Château de Montsoreau-Museum of contemporary art, Loire Valley, France Photo By Suavemarimagno
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0

The Full Moon perfects at 6:08 PM PDT on the 21st at 1 Capricorn 07 as part of a compelling Grand Cross of Sun conjoined Chaos and Venus opposed Earth and Moon, squared by 29 degree Neptune in Pisces conjoined Circe in Aries, opposed by the Black Moon Lilith point at 29 Virgo. The Sun-Moon axis is Cardinal; the Neptune-BML axis is Mutable. Usually a Cross has four arms located in the same modality, which means that when one arm is activated they’re all activated, with each arm mobilizing according to that single modality, making for 4-reactions-at-once scenarios, and so typically linking all factors of the Cross through similar character or style of expression.

In the Grand Cross formed at the time of this Full Moon, two modalities are present. That means some of the response will center in taking action (Cardinal) while some, occurring at the same time, will be fluid, and not necessarily manifesting in outward effort or change, but possibly changing ideas or attitudes around what to do and how to pursue and/ or judge things (Mutable). In this case, the implication is that the Sun (the energy to do or achieve, with focus on caring and sensitivity–Cancer) and Moon (emotions around the material and status quo, or that are constrained or otherwise limiting or disciplined–Capricorn) drive action (Cardinal placements), and that those Solar energies are, put simply, chaotic; at the same time this urge to act is offset by crises in creative, imaginative, or misleading energies that prompt change and/ or shifts in meaning from moment to moment (Neptune in Pisces), as well as expressing in a headstrong and sure manner, a ‘must have my way’ energy (Circe conjoined Neptune from her place in Aries), and crises in discernment and accountability that must underlie choices/ impulses that acknowledge matters we’ve swept under the rug or ignored, until now (Black Moon Lilith in Virgo).

Current influences create a pressure-cooker that compels action that must take into account our need to express as creators and requires that we use our most sophisticated tastes and judgment when doing so–and yet we do so surrounded by or generating some sort of anarchy. It isn’t easy to act or make choices while inspiration and the creative urge shift and flow, and things we’ve ignored or denied refuse to remain buried. It’s also notable that the Solar energy that drives everything is characterized by action that arises from caring, and that this is, in some way, without organization or discernible boundaries, perhaps making what we’re doing unrecognizable, either in intent or the realization that we are the engine driving developments. That’s a lot to sort through at one time, and may be especially difficult because each impulse interacts and combines with all the others.

The Full Moon is also opposed Venus, taking that chaotic and caring energy and aiming it at relationships, the partner, and/ or assets, resources, or sources of income. The presence of Black Moon Lilith and Neptune in the equation suggests we might not recognize we’re taking aim at or affecting Venusian matters, even as we look right at them (Sun conj Venus). The Full Moon is also semi-sextile Pluto and quincunx Vesta, warning us that a delicate balance between exercising our own power, dealing with the power of others, and maintaining our allegiance to and support of those things we find sacred and cherish must be achieved.

What should we make of all this? Aside from being aware that we might not be aware (!!!), we find a beneficial clue in the Full Moon’s trine to Hecate. She is the way-shower, that energy that answers our questions and vets our suitability for and readiness for a particular path; in flowing connection with the Full Moon in Capricorn we see that disciplining and containing the emotions might be the way to bring order (at least internal order) from the chaos of conflicting influences and a less-than-clear environment. ‘Feelings as guide’ might be an appropriate mantra, so long as we understand the framework within which those feelings are generated (Is this worth getting angry over? Do I truly understand what’s happening? Why does reality look this way to me, and what could this look like to others?) So, relief and illumination almost certainly rests with our own ability to stay calm in the midst of our surroundings, and the actions and responses of others.

The Sabian for the Full Moon is, ‘Three Rose Windows In A Gothic Church, One Damaged By War’. This speaks of how intents expressed through actions are creative, and yet those same energies interacting with each other can inadvertently be destructive. The creative acts involved in conceiving of and creating the windows clash with the destructive act of war, though both are themselves acts of creation: they express the creative energies of human Beings, as one creates Beauty/ Art, one creates conflict–and when those two creative streams interact, destruction is generated simply because it’s the nature of one of those impulses to tear down, obliterate, alter, as part of its very existence, while the other’s nature is simply to exist. Both are generative acts, and it might be worth asking ourselves, ‘Is what I’m creating (in my life) something that just needs to exist, or is my creation such that its nature requires it to alter what’s around it, for good or ill?’

The Sabian for the Sun is, ‘A Man On A Magic Carpet Hovers Over A Large Area Of Land’. Try to get ‘the lay of the land’, to gain an overview, a ‘Big Picture’ perspective, on the current scene–that will definitely keep things in proportion, and our responses on an appropriate scale.

Thank you to all my readers, and have a wonderful Full Moon experience!