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Simmler pre-1914 {{PD-Art}}

Moon enters Aquarius at 9:14 AM PST. A sextile to Uranus and a square to Jupiter are how we kick off the Luna in Aquarius period–and it likely brings forth a strong urge to show the uniqueness that just rubs the social sphere the wrong way. The tension level rests on the seriousness of the insistence on showing individuality–the more co-operative attitude you can muster, the more it will ease the interactions on the social front.

Just after 4 PM PST the Moon quincunxes Earth; we may have some emotional adjustment to make related to our material situation. Considering the signs involved (Cancer and Aquarius) it may be a matter of weighing our intellectual perceptions vs. our feelings, and finding some common ground between them on which our emotional perceptions may rest.

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