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‘In the Luxembourg Gardens’ By John Singer Sargent 1879 {{PD}}

When the Full Moon perfects (the 23rd at 6:53 AM PDT at 2 Sagittarius 55) we see multiple energy streams ricocheting off one another, many of them in an unformed or newly formed state (those very early in a sign, including the Moon, Sun, Sedna, Pluto, and Earth) and others at the very end of a sign, fully developed and feeling strain, in crisis mode (Neptune, Venus, and Jupiter, the latter two close together in Taurus). These are all demanding our attention, and then along comes the Full Moon in Sagittarius, which says, “This is all we’re going to know! These are the (emotional) facts–and we need to accept them!” The Moon itself tells us (by being so early in the sign) that conclusions are premature, most especially those based on feeling or intuition–that sense may in the end be correct, but in the present we will inevitably miss something, our timing will be off, and so our awareness of what is and how we feel about it will suffer–and this is so despite the fact that a Full Moon carries the expectation of endgame, conclusion, completion.

Our emotions around knowledge, ‘the facts’, interests at a distance, beliefs, and other Sagittarius-flavored matters (Moon), our sense of purpose and identity, specifically the way we think about ourselves and our roles (Sun in Gemini), how we perceive and assess our instincts, ‘blind spots’, and what we know but don’t know (Sedna in Gemini), our feelings of power and deep perceptions, especially Truth, as seen through a very modern, even revolutionary lens (Pluto in Aquarius), and the way of knowledge and beliefs interact with our material circumstances (Earth) are all in need of guidance, shape, intention, and aim; they’re new to the energy in which they move, and that may leave us feeling unsure of how to handle them in the moment.

But Neptune, Venus, and Jupiter are all at 29 degrees, with the latter two both widely conjoined Uranus (and with Venus parallel Jupiter and Uranus–so, at the same declination on the same side of the ecliptic) reinforcing the idea of a sense of abundance, Love, and dreams working together, or melding or blending in such a way that one can’t be distinguished from the others. There’s electricity in the air, a sense of potentials and the unexpected, in terms of relationships, reward, and opportunity. That sounds lovely, but it also means we can’t tell where our own responsibility ends and the largesse of others and the Universe begins; it also implies we may see ourselves and our assets and relationships as at the mercy of larger trends or accident and chance–and so believe there’s nothing we can do to affect them. Voluntary helplessness is not the way to go–but what is?

Focus on the Moon gives us a much clearer picture. The Moon sits conjoined the Earth in Sagittarius, opposed the Sun, Sedna (both in Gemini), and the closely placed duo of Venus-Jupiter (Taurus). Luna is also sesquiquadrate Mars in his own sign of Aries, sextile Pluto in Aquarius, and trine that 29 degree Neptune. We see the dispersal of knowledge or the culmination of beliefs (Moon in Sag) illuminated by what we know instinctively, may have ignored until now, but have foreknowledge of deep within (Sun-Sedna), and this reveals how our thinking (Gemini) about relationships, assets, prosperity prospects, reward, and social position is challenged by what we learn at the Full Moon. It’s the facts (Sag Moon) versus fantasy (Neptune) and they go down much too easily (trine), especially those illusions or untruths that we thought we could embrace indefinitely–we likely find we just can’t–or at least, we’re presented with evidence that says we shouldn’t.

What we discover fosters some upset, some confusion, and makes it difficult to know exactly how we should respond or what we should do (Mars), but here’s the thing: if we can link informed, Higher Mind thinking (Moon plus Aquarius–the kind of thinking that keeps us aware of both the greater good and our own spiritual imperatives) with expressions of power (Pluto) and manifestations of creative energy (Neptune) aimed at garnering positive results (Venus-Jupiter), we should do very well indeed.

The Sabian for the Full Moon is, ‘Two Men Playing Chess’. The Sun sits at ‘The Garden Of The Tuileries In Paris’. Think strategically, look for the beauty that surrounds, and remember, it’s all just a game, in the end.