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You can find the right form today for big creative ideas. Sculptors in Ancient Rome oil on copper by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1877) {{PD}}

You can find the right form today for big creative ideas. Sculptors in Ancient Rome oil on copper by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1877) {{PD}}

On the 20th inspiration, imagination, and creativity (Neptune) all find smart outlets (and likely concrete ones, with Pallas sextile in Capricorn). If you have a natal point or placement in the 5-9 degree range of Leo (forming apex to a Finger of God with base of Neptune-Pallas), you may find this is instrumental in this creative expression–in fact, this may describe the ‘form’ or shape the result takes (or involve matters of the House this body rules, if any). Neptune and Pallas, meanwhile, catch Ceres between them, suggesting that getting the two to work together offers us a powerful and persuasive energy upon which to draw.

Thoughts (Mercury) are far-reaching, expansive, and ideas sample the best of one’s philosophies and beliefs (Merc into Sagittarius); communications can be based on fact and what we need to discover is easily found, which makes things clear and direct. Conflicts may confine themselves to relationships, or possibly spending surrounding luxuries or aesthetics; whatever upset comes forward, know that what’s behind it is a buried fear of destruction or even death–knowing that, we can easily handle things, put boundaries on fears and ground them in the here and now, and so keep them in perspective (Venus in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn).

Remember those genius ideas you had yesterday about ambition fulfillment, advancing your career, or getting what you desire, that you just couldn’t implement, because challenging the form of those ideas seemed sacrilegious? Today we are able to see real-world possibilities that can help us manifest those goals (Sun novile Zeus and parallel Saturn)–and who could want more than that?

Have a great Friday! You like to get paid for your work, don’t you? Me too! If you’re a frequent visitor, please consider making a small donation. Thanks to All!