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'Girl with a Basket' Emile Munier 1875 {{PD-Art}}

‘Girl with a Basket’ Emile Munier 1875 {{PD-Art}}

For Friday the 26th:

the Moon enters Aries at 2:29 PM PDT. 8 PM Pacific time the Moon squares Pallas. Feelings may come into direct conflict with what we know is wise; at this time side with wisdom, as emotions are likely to be too headstrong and Willful. 10 PM PDT the Moon trines the Sun and semi-sextiles Neptune. This combo shows us what we feel through the gauze of illusion, vagueness, or misunderstanding; clear up your vision before drawing any conclusions. Just after 11 PM PDT the Moon becomes apex to a Finger of God with base of Saturn-Venus. Pinning down relationship ‘rules’, restricting spending, or realizing an artistic vision in concrete terms results in a sense of accomplishment and emotional satisfaction–so why wouldn’t you do it?

For Saturday the 27th:

Reality may seem harsh or unduly contrary, while secrets or buried treasure, info, or desires are revealed. There’s a bit of archaeology going on around the home front, or into the life of the mate, and we may find out things about those causes we’re dedicated to, or about those subjects we find sacred, that changes their status in our eyes permanently. Motives powered by the ego and the Will and hidden even from ourselves drive things, perhaps because there is a simultaneous reality check concerning life direction, and this may throw some into a panic, and others into action. (Pluto quincunx Vesta, Mars semi-square Sedna, opposed Pluto, Sun quincunx Neptune, Sun-Earth axis square Saturn)

And for Sunday the 28th:

Today sees a lovely, sparkly sextile of Venus to Jupiter, and we get a beautiful basket of ‘maybe’ delivered to our door–it’s up to us to make something of this, or we could just float through the day socializing pleasantly but doing little else. With some effort and direction on our part this aspect can result in an influx of Money, resources, or Love in many forms, but it can also see these things go out the door just as easily. We can spend too freely or commit resources to the social circle or to expansion efforts, and we may do so without regard to whether we can actually afford it. We do, however, understand the worth of knowledge, education, in-place hierarchies, having a viable life philosophy, and travel, so could make excellent plans at this time–just wait ’til later to buy the ticket.

This is a small sampling from the Weekly ECLIPSE; give it a try–subscribe!