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'The Cherry Thieves' Zuber-Buhler {{PD-Art}}

Void begins 9:50 AM PST; Moon enters Aries at 5:52 PM Pacific time. We’ve got an immediate Lunar conjunction to Uranus–and we may surprise ourselves with our own aggressive nature, leadership skills, or decisive emotional manner. The group may or may not like this–negative reactions from others can be used to determine who’s trying to suck the life out of us (that’s a little dramatic–let’s say, ‘who’s trying to take our life energy, even in small measure, for their own’–makes theft sound so much nicer, doesn’t it? :))

Subscribe! This issue includes the upcoming Total Lunar Eclipse and New Moon in Capricorn, material on Ceres and the Outers Aspecting the Personals, and More! Single issues also available~