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Heinrich Vogeler Vor Feierabend 1899 {{PD}}

Heinrich Vogeler Vor Feierabend 1899 {{PD}}

We’ve still got five days to go until Merc turns around, but we may be feeling an immense amount of end-of-retro pressure as he slows to a crawl after weeks of mental trickery (first changing direction in Aquarius, making us think we can still handle things intellectually, then entering Cap and making the world a tough place to get our minds around). Today our thoughts show a certain strength and natural resilience, we are keen to assert ourselves within our territory, and yet hidden issues, things we’ve ignored or are in denial about, or our own rage or unreliability may undermine attempts to make an impact. Note what comes up, especially in the areas of new ideas or suddenly revealed remedies for difficult situations, but don’t allow the internal mental pressures to cause you to act prematurely. Those impulses and ideas will be valuable later–right now effort must go to staying calm, and realizing there’s more to the story, yet to be revealed, so that making up the mind definitively at this point would end up shortchanging us significantly (Merc sq Black Moon Lilith and Uranus, and nov Ceres, Sun enters Aquarius)

My astrology books are available here–enjoy your Wednesday!