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‘Jaune Rouge Bleu’ (Yellow Red Blue) 1925 By Wassily Kandinski {{PD}}

A Mystic Rectangle is formed by the Nodal axis (NN in Leo, SN in Aquarius along with Mars and Black Moon Lilith), and Sun-Mercury opposed Chiron-Earth-Hygeia. We saw this one coming, right? We could feel a sort of inevitability to this configuration, the implication that actions in the past denied or ignored will be revealed, communicated, and healed–all good, right? The time has come.

There’s also a Grand Trine of Juno, Sun-Mercury, Mars-South Node. Again, empowerment comes from seeing, communicating, accepting actions taken in the past, or arising from the past but happening now. Add to this the Uranus trine to Vesta, and Merc’s square to Saturn; taking an original tack that honors our highest values, and being aware that realities may present obstacles or real-world contradictions to plans, and we have a clear mandate: do what’s right, do what’s best.