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Laokoon By Adriaan Korteweg 1914 {{PD}}

Just a couple of things to note in what feels like a kind of intermission, its ending signaled by the Saturn retrograde on the 29th, and the Neptune turnaround on July 1st. Until then a retro Pluto in early Aquarius prompts us to dig into the imagination and the possibilities of what could be, in an attempt to answer the stress inherent in a 29 degree Neptune, while Pluto’s trine to the 29 degree Black Moon Lilith point makes us fearless in digging through material we at other times would resolutely ignore, particularly in that we’ll apply a critical eye, making accountability of ourselves and others a focus.

This is all good–a kind of housekeeping, if you will–and this may spur the action engendered by a Cardinal T-square with Venus in Cancer squaring the Nodal axis=we act or choose according to what we care about, what we are invested in, especially those things that matter to the asset picture or the relationship one; be aware that these decisions arise out of the past, and form the future, essential to remember and certainly influential in what we choose–we’re not pouring our efforts into a vacuum–there’s already a landscape that offers circumstances we must respond to–and our awareness that what we do now really does shape what happens next will be a useful guide when the options lie before us.

That Venus in Cancer is also sextile Mars in Taurus, uniting our emotional needs with a willingness to attend to material matters and emphasizing the necessity of those things that comfort, reassure, and make for a sense of security. And of course this means that Mars is quincunx the South Node, offering a highly valuable perspective: the past as measure, offering insight into the way our actions may play out, and on the repercussions they are likely to have, as hinted at by what we’ve created by our choices before.

And what of the apparent retrogrades of Saturn and Neptune? They’re ‘heavies’, slow-moving planets that typically exert a background energy, and particularly in the case of Saturn, may have different influences on individuals, likely based on the natal status of the planet, where the transiting energy is traversing by House, and what it contacts in the natal chart.

If Saturn is retrograde natally, its transiting retrograde may place us back in a more familiar constructive territory–direct may feel incomprehensible, as we struggle to understand realities and the system that contains them; things may be too restrictive when it’s direct, too straightforward–with Saturn’s characteristic energy (as defined by its natal situation) having the chance to bloom on retrograde for the retrograde natal Saturn. For those with direct natal Saturns, a retro transiting Saturn can skew the sense of reality, with both barriers and things we count on potentially withdrawn, and matters that were making steady progress coming to an abrupt, and possibly permanent, halt. We find ourselves suddenly hemmed in, turned away, blocked, and at least initially, unable to see a way around. The ground slips out from under us, and there’s nothing to be done, not until things change.

Neptune’s turnaround can bring what we were sure of just a moment before into question; suddenly we’re suspicious that there’s something we’re missing, not understanding, or being deceived about, or, something really is hidden or we really are being deceived or mislead. It may be tougher to sort illusions from realities and especially real potentials, and ideals could be gently shaken. Neptune puts a veil over what we most desire to see clearly in the areas of the House being transited, those things Neptune rules in our chart, and in things connected to natal Neptunian perceptions. Whether it’s direct or retrograde in the natal chart seems to matter less with this planet, as it deals so much with what’s nebulous, imagined, possible, or illusory anyway; retrograde periods are likely to shift what about and where we’re feeling its influence, and on the positive side, could bring inspirations and apply creative energies to areas we aren’t natally inclined to see them applied in.

Oh! And there’s this: the July Full Moon falls on the 21st at 29 tense degrees of Capricorn, conjoined Pluto and coinciding with Mars’ entry into Gemini. Mark your calendars. I’m anticipating the status quo and/ or various systems at a bursting point, one that reaches for power with aggressively persuasive words–something along the lines of ‘we must unite those who think alike (us vs them), because if we don’t, they will obliterate you, take your power, destroy what you count on for support–so give your power to us’. By status quo I mean what exists that has been in the process of trying to garner our power–and at this point may try to do so through fear. Beware with whom you network/ unite/ emotionally respond to–if they ask for your support but don’t offer anything but frightening words and encourage extremist behavior against ‘them’, then they are definitely not the ones to follow. Use your own power to think it through (Pluto in Aquarius).

We have a Daily Word Image today: walking a path, a small, agile snake crosses in front of you in an ‘s’ pattern and disappears into the foliage. Something crossing one’s path is typically an opportunity–but then again, if it’s a black cat . . . and ‘crossing paths with’ something or someone is generally considered confrontational, though it can also suggest a fated encounter. And, a snake can represent knowledge (especially knowledge gained through autonomous, assertive, or defiant behavior), the kind that opens one’s eyes, or deceit (‘snake in the grass’). I think the meaning all depends on how the image itself strikes you; for me, I was struck by how young and small the snake was. It made me think of something just started, fledgling, that I needed to put on my radar before it slipped away, something I needed to know, or maybe something that could ‘get by’ me and grow into something larger (and potentially threatening). I’d love to hear what the image means to you in the comments.