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By Andr.V.S. - The painting was photographed in my studio Previously published: Published on my web-site ( http://www.andrewstevovich.com ) and my blog ( http://andrewstevovich.blogspot.com ) as well as several exhibition cataloges., CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19053154

By Andr.V.S. – The painting was photographed in my studio Previously published: Published on my web-site ( http://www.andrewstevovich.com ) and my blog ( http://andrewstevovich.blogspot.com ) as well as several exhibition cataloges., CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19053154

The AstroEssence: it seems there’s a lot of fight in us today, though those who hold it in may find themselves flooded with frustration or depression, or maybe plagued by digestive ills or prompted to drink–so don’t hold it in! Efforts at expansion will bring up conflict or problems, but as long as we don’t respond with ego, we’ll do well–in fact, this may be a kind of test, where we must make some ‘I Am’ statements to the Universe, declaring that we’re really serious about what we’ve been claiming we want. That said, it may seem sparring with those in the social sphere, or with those who are hella vain, just comes naturally, and even loving interaction can break down in the twinkling of an eye–but these negatives happen only, I said only, if we are in denial of, ignoring, or enraged about something we’re not acknowledging. Otherwise, our Love can transform, and we have a decent shot at money and/ or power, but again, we must be open to Truth, however it presents itself (Mars sq Jupiter, Venus sxt Pluto and conjoined Black Moon Lilith)

la_chambre_a_arles_by_vincent_van_gogh_from_c2rmfToday’s word image is an unmade bed. Is this the sign of the casual and relaxed, or the sloppy and embarrassing, to you? Give this a try today: every time you make a snap judgment about the meaning of something like an unmade bed, which on its own has no intrinsic meaning whatsoever, try either to withhold that judgment, or to supply something the opposite of which comes naturally. Trying on another viewpoint is vital to keeping our own view valid and applicable, and helps in preventing a tendency to apply judgment where it really isn’t needed.

For those born with the Sun at 13 Libra: you are headed toward both working out your own power position this year, Libra, and toward facing those matters that need to be changed, and you’ll have the energy, stamina, and judgment to do both. What you might not have may be as clear a sense of your life’s direction as you used to enjoy. Stay open; the path isn’t fixed, and you have an opportunity this year to shape it more to your liking than ever before. Good luck, Libra, and Happy Birthday!