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Elliott Daingerfield - Drama on the mountain top (1905) {{PD}}

Elliott Daingerfield – Drama on the mountain top (1905) {{PD}}

On the 30th the Warrior/ Ego meets that which will not be controlled or told what to do, or that which has been ignored or denied and refuses to be any longer; what do we get? You can imagine: this may bring monumental expressions of temper, the energy and Willingness to fight for a cause or to defend something important to the individual, or it could mean we act from anger or motivated by things we are ignoring or in denial about. Add to that the way relationships or financial matters may be influenced by buried instincts or our ‘blind spot’ (that material we carry and that motivates us but about which we’re unaware, even though others see it clearly moving and driving us). It’s a day when, if we are watching, others show what makes them ‘tick’, why they do and choose what they do, while we may tip our own hand to others through the very same means. Our best bet may be to focus on what we find unjust or would like to exert ourselves to change, and so address it; remembering that we are one person and choosing our targets based on our own ability to affect things is the most effective course we can take (Mars conjoined Black Moon Lilith, Venus quincunx Sedna)

This carries over to the 1st, with the added problem that our thoughts are tinged by hurt, spontaneous or rebellious, and decidedly unwise right now. What we hear might surprise us, and might wound, and with Mars still all riled up we could easily go on a rampage. Our best course today is to put our attention on those areas that are part of our ‘territory’, that we are responsible for, and to exercise our power and prerogatives according to our natural position, status, and attributes. Not glamorous, but it is a chance to be highly effective, on our game, and to excel at what we do, to do it very well–and that’s no small feat (Pallas square and Mars parallel Black Moon Lilith, Mercury trine Uranus and square Chiron, Sun sextile Ceres).

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